Have your say

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You're invited to have your say on our draft proposal, before we submit the final plan to the Australian Energy Regulator for approval in January 2025. There are a few ways to get involved depending on your time and preferences.

Attend our online townhall on Tuesday 15 October, 12pm-2pm

Learn about the draft regulatory proposal directly from Powercor's leadership team, and have the opportunity to ask questions and share your feedback.
Click here to register for the online townhall

Submit a feedback form

If you have feedback and ideas on the draft regulatory proposal, please submit them here. We'll consider them as we revise and finalise the draft proposal.
Click here to submit an online form

Back to Powercor regulatory reset home page

You're invited to have your say on our draft proposal, before we submit the final plan to the Australian Energy Regulator for approval in January 2025. There are a few ways to get involved depending on your time and preferences.

Attend our online townhall on Tuesday 15 October, 12pm-2pm

Learn about the draft regulatory proposal directly from Powercor's leadership team, and have the opportunity to ask questions and share your feedback.
Click here to register for the online townhall

Submit a feedback form

If you have feedback and ideas on the draft regulatory proposal, please submit them here. We'll consider them as we revise and finalise the draft proposal.
Click here to submit an online form

Back to Powercor regulatory reset home page

  • If you have feedback on the draft proposal you can send it to us via this online submission form.

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