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What commercial and industrial customers told us

  • ​Reliability, safety and resilience

    You want to stay connected with uninterrupted and safe electricity supply that can withstand extreme weather

    • You want us to provide capacity and ensure consistent power quality, to better support your operations
    • You expect that we manage our network safely, and in accordance with our compliance obligations

  • Affordability and equity

    You want everyone to have access to the electricity supply they value, regardless of where they live or work

    • You want information on the current network tariff structures to be easier to understand and more accessible
    • You want to be included in decision-making around resilience and energy transition initiatives
  • ​ Energy transition

    You want to shift towards more sustainable energy sources and practices for a cleaner future

    • You expect us to manage additional capacity requirements to support electrification at lowest long-term cost
    • You expect us to lower carbon emissions from the provision of your electricity supply

What we're proposing

We are investing $1.2 billion to deliver what our customers have told us is important to them. We will deliver all this and more for no increase to distribution charges.

  • Increased access to relationship managers for commercial and industrial customers

  • Upgrading core IT infrastructure to integrate with new technologies

  • Proactive electrification program that will improve capacity across the network

  • Improved availability of network data, and support to analyse and interpret information

  • Uplifting our cyber security protocols to minimise the risk of a material cyber breach.

  • Establishing a demand management platform to provide opportunities for lower cost non-network alternatives

Contact us

Contact Information
Phone 13 22 06