Our engagement approach

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Our core vision is to deliver an affordable, reliable and safe electricity supply, empowering customer choices and delivering services that are important for our communities and the environment.

We are committed to delivering a regulatory proposal that reflects the aspirations, needs and priorities of the customers and businesses we service. We are committed to engaging them at each step of our regulatory reset process.

Our engagement goals

Our key engagement goals are to:

  • allow our customers and stakeholders to meaningfully influence the direction of our engagement program
  • develop customer-centric evidence to inform our decision-making
  • design products and services that meet the needs of our customers
  • build trust and confidence amongst our customers and stakeholders.

Our iterative approach to the regulatory reset’s engagement is aimed at ensuring that the customer-centred evidence is robust and comprehensive. This will ensure we will deliver the energy solutions that best meet the needs of our customers and stakeholders.

How we engage

We recognise different issues and different customer and stakeholder groups will lend themselves to different methods of engagement. There is no 'one-size-fits-all' approach to engagement.

The level of participation with customers is informed by the IAP2 Public Participation Spectrum. The IAP2 Spectrum identifies five levels of public participation, where the level of participation depends on the goal or purpose of engagement.

We acknowledge that some issues or topics are of little interest to customers, or may be non-negotiable, in which case we will focus on informing. For issues or topics of greater interest to customers and over which they can have a greater influence, we will strive to involve or collaborate with customers to ensure their interests are genuinely incorporated into our regulatory proposals.

Our engagement phases

To support the development of the 2026-2031 regulatory proposal, we have developed a four-phase engagement pathway. Our pathway will ensure that customers and stakeholders are well informed and supported so they are equipped to provide meaningful feedback, challenge us and work with us to develop high quality, robust proposals.

Importantly, our pathway builds learnings from our previous regulatory proposals, and our ‘business as usual’ research and engagement.

There are four distinct phases involved in building the 2026-2031 regulatory proposal:

After these stages are complete, we will progress to approval and implementation.

For more information download our Engagement Strategy (see documents section of this page).

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Our core vision is to deliver an affordable, reliable and safe electricity supply, empowering customer choices and delivering services that are important for our communities and the environment.

We are committed to delivering a regulatory proposal that reflects the aspirations, needs and priorities of the customers and businesses we service. We are committed to engaging them at each step of our regulatory reset process.

Our engagement goals

Our key engagement goals are to:

  • allow our customers and stakeholders to meaningfully influence the direction of our engagement program
  • develop customer-centric evidence to inform our decision-making
  • design products and services that meet the needs of our customers
  • build trust and confidence amongst our customers and stakeholders.

Our iterative approach to the regulatory reset’s engagement is aimed at ensuring that the customer-centred evidence is robust and comprehensive. This will ensure we will deliver the energy solutions that best meet the needs of our customers and stakeholders.

How we engage

We recognise different issues and different customer and stakeholder groups will lend themselves to different methods of engagement. There is no 'one-size-fits-all' approach to engagement.

The level of participation with customers is informed by the IAP2 Public Participation Spectrum. The IAP2 Spectrum identifies five levels of public participation, where the level of participation depends on the goal or purpose of engagement.

We acknowledge that some issues or topics are of little interest to customers, or may be non-negotiable, in which case we will focus on informing. For issues or topics of greater interest to customers and over which they can have a greater influence, we will strive to involve or collaborate with customers to ensure their interests are genuinely incorporated into our regulatory proposals.

Our engagement phases

To support the development of the 2026-2031 regulatory proposal, we have developed a four-phase engagement pathway. Our pathway will ensure that customers and stakeholders are well informed and supported so they are equipped to provide meaningful feedback, challenge us and work with us to develop high quality, robust proposals.

Importantly, our pathway builds learnings from our previous regulatory proposals, and our ‘business as usual’ research and engagement.

There are four distinct phases involved in building the 2026-2031 regulatory proposal:

After these stages are complete, we will progress to approval and implementation.

For more information download our Engagement Strategy (see documents section of this page).

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