
Customer values analysis

6 August 2024

It's difficult to take customer values into consideration in financial assessment of investment decisions. This is because of the limited quantitative measures of customer value relevant to network services.

In 2021, we partnered with CitiPower and United Energy to begin building quantitative evidence for how customers value the services we provide to help inform our future decisions.

In 2024, in preparation for our 2026-2031 regulatory proposal, we repeated the exercise again. There were multiple motivators for this, including a changed economic climate, adoption of new approaches, embedding and building on other customer engagement work, and accounting for new emerging customer needs (such as energy storage).

Results of the 2024 analysis

What we found in the new customer value analysis is that our customers want to see:

  • improved network resilience to minimise the risk and impact of long-duration outages due to extreme weather events
  • a reduction in the equity gap between average and worst-served reliability in regional and remote areas
  • increasing local energy battery storage, which also minimises the wastage of renewable energy
  • removal of restrictions on solar exports, as these restrictions are viewed as a waste of renewable energy
  • reductions in network emissions, as customers expect businesses to decarbonise and commit to net zero targets
  • community resilience initiatives to support communities in the event of a long-duration outage.