What's a Regulatory Reset?

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What’s a regulatory reset? And what’s a regulatory proposal?

Every five years, we prepare a fully costed business plan (or regulatory proposal) for review and approval by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER).

This is called an Electricity Distribution Price Review. But we refer to it simply as the regulatory reset. Through this process, our proposed investments, pricing plans and rate of return are approved by the AER.

This decides how much money we charge customers for our services.

Listening to the views of our customers is therefore important to how we build our plans as we want to deliver a proposal that meets the needs, expectations and preferences of people relying on the electricity distributed by our networks.

Meanwhile, we are operating under a plan approved by the AER for the current regulatory period, which started on 1 July 2021 and will end on 30 June 2026.

We have a handy fact sheet that you can download to read more about why resets matter.

If you have any questions about our regulatory reset process, please email community@citipower.com.au

2026-2031 Regulatory Reset

There are distinct phases involved in building the 2026-2031 regulatory proposal:

  • Planning
  • Broad and wide engagement
  • Deep and narrow engagement
  • Shaping, testing, and creating the plan, revising, and seeking approval
  • Implementation.

We also:

  • track our brand on an ongoing basis
  • have several committees for large renewable energy generators and large residential developers and conduct independent analysis to support the customer experience with the energy transition.

This graphic shows a cartoon-like pathway. Along the pathway are purple circles with different years written in them to identify the stage of the engagement process that we are currently undertaking. The years range from 2021 – 2031. The circle that reads 2023 is green. The stages of engagement are outlined in text above and below the footpath. It reads: 2021 – Planning; 2022 – Broad and Wide engagement; 2023 – Deep and Narrow. 2024 – Shape, Test and Challenge; 2025 – Approval; 2026-2031 – implementation.

How to use this site

This structure of this site mirrors each phase of the engagement process.

We are currently in the Deep and Narrow phase. In this phase we are examining topics in greater detail.

Please feel free to explore the rest of this site (using the navigation links below).

We also welcome your comments and answers to our quick questions!

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What’s a regulatory reset? And what’s a regulatory proposal?

Every five years, we prepare a fully costed business plan (or regulatory proposal) for review and approval by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER).

This is called an Electricity Distribution Price Review. But we refer to it simply as the regulatory reset. Through this process, our proposed investments, pricing plans and rate of return are approved by the AER.

This decides how much money we charge customers for our services.

Listening to the views of our customers is therefore important to how we build our plans as we want to deliver a proposal that meets the needs, expectations and preferences of people relying on the electricity distributed by our networks.

Meanwhile, we are operating under a plan approved by the AER for the current regulatory period, which started on 1 July 2021 and will end on 30 June 2026.

We have a handy fact sheet that you can download to read more about why resets matter.

If you have any questions about our regulatory reset process, please email community@citipower.com.au

2026-2031 Regulatory Reset

There are distinct phases involved in building the 2026-2031 regulatory proposal:

  • Planning
  • Broad and wide engagement
  • Deep and narrow engagement
  • Shaping, testing, and creating the plan, revising, and seeking approval
  • Implementation.

We also:

  • track our brand on an ongoing basis
  • have several committees for large renewable energy generators and large residential developers and conduct independent analysis to support the customer experience with the energy transition.

This graphic shows a cartoon-like pathway. Along the pathway are purple circles with different years written in them to identify the stage of the engagement process that we are currently undertaking. The years range from 2021 – 2031. The circle that reads 2023 is green. The stages of engagement are outlined in text above and below the footpath. It reads: 2021 – Planning; 2022 – Broad and Wide engagement; 2023 – Deep and Narrow. 2024 – Shape, Test and Challenge; 2025 – Approval; 2026-2031 – implementation.

How to use this site

This structure of this site mirrors each phase of the engagement process.

We are currently in the Deep and Narrow phase. In this phase we are examining topics in greater detail.

Please feel free to explore the rest of this site (using the navigation links below).

We also welcome your comments and answers to our quick questions!

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