What we've done so far

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We started working on our 2026-2031 regulatory reset all the way back in 2021. This included preliminary research and engagement to identify key themes, as well as gathering feedback and insights about the 2016-2026 regulatory reset.

Since then, we've been building the 2026-2031 regulatory proposal through four engagement phases:

  1. Planning
  2. Broad and wide engagement
  3. Deep and narrow engagement
  4. Shaping, testing, challenging - happening now

Our approach to engagement ensures that customer-centred evidence informs our future research and plans, and ultimately delivers energy solutions that best meet the needs of our customers and stakeholders.

Throughout each these phases, we've undertaken significant customer and stakeholder engagement, including quantitative research, focus groups, online surveys, workshops. Below is a list of all of the reports and documents that have come from these engagements. We encourage you to take a look and contact us if you have any questions or feedback.

We started working on our 2026-2031 regulatory reset all the way back in 2021. This included preliminary research and engagement to identify key themes, as well as gathering feedback and insights about the 2016-2026 regulatory reset.

Since then, we've been building the 2026-2031 regulatory proposal through four engagement phases:

  1. Planning
  2. Broad and wide engagement
  3. Deep and narrow engagement
  4. Shaping, testing, challenging - happening now

Our approach to engagement ensures that customer-centred evidence informs our future research and plans, and ultimately delivers energy solutions that best meet the needs of our customers and stakeholders.

Throughout each these phases, we've undertaken significant customer and stakeholder engagement, including quantitative research, focus groups, online surveys, workshops. Below is a list of all of the reports and documents that have come from these engagements. We encourage you to take a look and contact us if you have any questions or feedback.

  • We value your feedback and encourage you to share your thoughts, questions, and suggestions. If you have a general question or feedback please complete this form.

    You'll be asked to provide your email and a screen name. These will not be used for any other purpose except to reply to you (if requested) or to send you email updates (if consent is given).

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